Are you trying to save some money and recuperate your funds after the holidays? Our heating and cooling experts recommend a few heating tips for the cooler weather. During cold weather, customers can reduce their use of electricity, therefore saving money, by following these simple energy-saving steps:
- Set your thermostat at 68 degrees during the day and 58 degrees at night. Programmable thermostats in homes with infants, elderly, or ill individuals should be set higher.
- If you are not home, set your thermostat 10-15 degrees lower than your usual setting or take time to program it, especially if you have a set time that you are out of your home every day. They also now have thermostat that allow you to control them when you’re not home from your phone, tablet, or computer with a password if you forget to lower your thermostat or want to get the housed heated up before you get home.
- Before the heating season begins, have your heating system cleaned and tuned up for its regular yearly maintenance if you haven’t scheduled it already. It’s never too late to have your tune up done even if the cold season has started. A well-maintained system will operate more efficiently.
- Try and seal up any air leaks. Weather-strip door jambs and caulk any cracks around windows and door frames to prevent cool air from entering your home.
- If you have a window air conditioning unit, remove it for the winter months to prevent heat from escaping around the cooling unit. If you cannot move it, find a cover in order to prevent drafts.
- Adding insulation to your attic if there isn’t any up there now is one of the most cost-effective energy saving measures.
- Install insulating drapes to help keep the heat from dissipating when it makes contact with the uninsulated glass.
- Keep shades and curtains open during the day so the sun can make your home warmer. And remember to close them in the evening to keep the heat in.
- Ensure that your furniture, clothing or drapes are away from any radiator or floor heaters you may be using for not only safety reasons but also so the heat can flow freely.
- Lower the water heater temperature to about 120 degrees, add an insulation blanket to your water heater, and insulate the first six feet of hot water pipes near the water heater.
- Seal up your fireplace if you don’t use it. Unless used correctly, certain fireplaces, particularly older ones will pull cold are into the house from any weak point your house has while pushing hot air out of the chimney.
- If you do use your fireplace, make sure you clean it before using it this year to avoid anything catastrophic.
- Never use a stove or an oven to heat your home.
We know that you’re chilly inside and your first reaction is to crank up the heat but you might want to follow some of these tips so you don’t feel it in your pocketbook. Keep from heating your entire block by blocking off some of your houses weak points with some of these nifty tips from your heating and cooling experts here at Cool Depot.
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